Effective Tips to Prevent Eyestrain from Screen Use
If you suspect you're suffering from eyestrain, it's important to consult a doctor for a personalized plan. However, there are some universal tips that may help alleviate symptoms.Try blue-light glasses: These glasses can help with refractive vision issues, making visually demanding tasks more manageable and offering glare protection.Limit or break up active screen time: Taking regular breaks, like a coffee or bathroom break, can give your vision a rest from demanding tasks.Ensure proper humidity: If you're in front of screens all day, you might not be blinking as often, which can cause or worsen dryness.Check your ergonomics: Position screens and glare sources at optimal angles and distances to reduce eyestrain.Distance yourself: Sitting too close to screens increases accommodative demand, leading to more eyestrain.Receive regular eye exams: A full eye exam, including a binocular vision workup, every two years can ensure timely correction for any arising issues and help maintain peak visual performance.