To optimize Termux performance on your Android device, follow these detailed steps:
1. Update and Upgrade Termux Packages
Ensure your Termux packages are up to date:
pkg update && pkg upgrade
2. Use Lightweight Shells
Consider using lighter shell alternatives to the default shell for better performance:
pkg install zsh dash
Then, change your default shell:
chsh -s /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/zsh
3. Configure Termux Properties
Open the Termux properties file and add shortcuts for faster access:
nano $PREFIX/etc/
extra-keys = [['ESC','/','-','HOME','UP','END','PGUP'],['TAB','CTRL','ALT','LEFT','DOWN','RIGHT','PGDN']]
Save the file and reload settings:
4. Optimize CPU Performance
You can use Termux to overclock your CPU for better performance:
pkg install termux-api
termux-cpu-speed -m 2000000 -g 1000000 -s 1000000 -c 1000000 -d 1000000 -i 1000000 -l 1000000 -r 1000000 -u 1000000 -o 1000000 -p 1000000 -q 1000000 -t 1000000 -v 1000000 -w 1000000 -x 1000000 -y 1000000 -z 1000