What specific chemical reactions occur when sunlight reacts with nitrogen oxides and VOCs to form photochemical smog?
Photochemical smog forms through a series of complex chemical reactions involving sunlight, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Key Chemical Reactions
Formation of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO₂):
Nitrogen oxides are primarily emitted from vehicle exhausts and industrial processes. In the presence of sunlight, nitrogen monoxide (NO) reacts with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide (NO₂):
Photolysis of Nitrogen Dioxide:
NO₂ absorbs sunlight, particularly in the ultraviolet range, and undergoes photolysis to produce nitric oxide (NO) and a highly reactive oxygen atom:
This oxygen atom can then combine with molecular oxygen to form ozone (O₃):
Ozone Formation and Consumption:
Ozone is a major component of photochemical smog. It can react with NO to reform NO₂ and oxygen:
This cycle allows for the accumulation of ozone in the atmosphere.
Reactions with Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs):
VOCs, which are emitted from various sources including vehicle exhausts and industrial activities, react with NO₂ in the presence of sunlight to form a variety of secondary pollutants:
NO2+R→oxygenated products
These reactions can lead to the formation of harmful compounds such as peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), which is a potent irritant:
NO2+R+O2→PAN+other products
Effects of Photochemical Smog
Health Impacts: Exposure to photochemical smog can cause respiratory issues, eye irritation, and other health problems. The presence of ozone and PAN in the smog exacerbates these effects.